Friday, May 17, 2013

Time to Move Michael Young to Lead Off

    The Phillies, as has been tradition the past few seasons, have gone into slumps in which they struggle to plate runs, wasting solid pitching performances by failing to back them up at the plate.  While the steady downward slide of the Phillies offense from the slugging machine it was only a few years ago can mostly be attributed to an aging lineup that has not been hitting for power, there is another problem as well, the lead off hitter.

    The lead off role has been a topic of much debate in past seasons, and 2013 is no different.  In Spring Training it seemed as if there may finally be a solution, as Ben Revere looked poised to take on the role, and hit for a decent average.  That never came to fruition as he slumped to open the season, and Jimmy Rollins was given back the spot in the lineup he is so fond of.
    Rollins unfortunately has continued to give everyone reason to argue that he should not lead off, as he is hitting only .255, with a .304 OBP.  With Revere's numbers in both respective categories even lower than Rollins, Charlie Manuel has been left in quite the sticky situation, and the solution in my opinion?  Abandon trying to have speed in the lead off spot, and instead put Michael Young in that spot.
    Young is a crafty veteran who moved his way around different positions in the infield in his time with the Rangers and always was able to adapt.  The power has not shown up yet for Young this season like it has in the past, but he has been by far the Phillies steadiest and most reliable bat, hitting .296, with a .383 OBP.  Young may not have the speed of Revere or Rollins, but what use is their speed when they haven't been getting on base?  Frankly neither has stolen many bases in 2013, as Revere has 7 and Rollins 4 stolen bases respectively, not to mention they have combined to be caught stealing 5 times.
    With neither of the lead off options utilized thus far in 2013 getting on base regularly, it is time for Charlie Manuel to turn to the man who can provide the heart of the order a runner to knock in.  Without runners on base, the most damage the heart of the order can really do is hit solo home runs, something they have done plenty of so far in 2013.  So the time has come, move the veteran "professional hitter" Michael Young to lead off, and see if that can jump start this dormant offense, because if something doesn't soon, this season will be all but lost.

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