Monday, May 13, 2013

Could Galvis be a Starting Outfielder by End of 2013?

    Freddy Galvis presents the Phillies with a very interesting predicament.  He has possibly the smoothest glove on the roster, and has also shown growth at the plate since last season as well.  With Jimmy Rollins and Chase Utley already entrenched in the middle infield positions, and Michael Young holding down third base, Galvis has seen sparing at-bats but has definitely earned more chances.  The solution you ask?  Allow Freddy Galvis to start in the outfield.
    The Phillies have experimented slightly with this idea so far this season, as Galvis has been in the outfield defensively for 31 innings, but its come time to give the young defensive whiz a bigger chance.  Galvis has proven versatile since his major league debut, as the 23 year old who played his minor league career as a shortstop has played second and third base, as well as sparing time in the outfield.  At each position Galvis has shown that he is quick to adjust and proven he can hold things down defensively, so with improved offense, what is keeping the Phillies from starting him in the outfield?
    The Phillies offense has been lackluster at best so far this season, and much of that can be attributed to a sub-par outfield.  The highest batting average among the Phillies outfielders this season belongs to Dom Brown, who also walks about as much as a two-legged dog (and no not that awesome one who walks on two legs).  No member of the outfield has produced what the organization had hoped for up to this point, as Ben Revere is hitting only .237, but has been hitting much better as of late.  Delmon Young, recently back from the disabled list has hit only .242, albeit in a small sample size.  This is where Galvis makes complete sense, something Ruben Amaro Jr. and Charlie Manuel often seem opposed to.
    Galvis in his sparing appearances at the plate this season (50 AB's) had looked solid, hitting .280 and also has a higher OBP, SLG, and OPS (.345, .460, .805) than all other members of the Phillies ragtag outfield.  At this point it has come time for old Chuck to take a chance and give Galvis more opportunities in the outfield.  Yes, it would still be wise to use him as a substitute for the aging core of the infield in order to rest them, but Galvis needs to be given more at-bats if the Phillies hope not to stunt his growth as a player. 
    With the exception of Ben Revere, Galvis is probably an upgrade defensively over every other option in the Phillies outfield, and looking at the statistics, which yes I know Ruben is opposed to, he is also an upgrade offensively.  So before its too late this season, maybe Charlie will begin to give Galvis the playing time he has earned.  If not and the Phillies find themselves out of contention late in the season, they will then have an even bigger decision to make as they look to the future and consider moving Galvis to the outfield while he awaits his role as a starting infielder.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care if he's catching, he needs to be in the everyday lineup.
