Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mercy Me, A Shutout From Lee

    Because I was too lazy to write a recap last night, here's a quick summary for you.  The Phillies beat that disgrace of an excuse for a professional baseball team, the Miami Marlins 3-0.
For your enjoyment, here is a lion singing the classic song "I Will Always Love You."  Read on.
    Cliff Lee started and was smart enough to realize you have almost no chance of winning as a Phillies pitcher if you don't shutout the opposition, so he did just that.  Lee tossed a complete game shutout, allowing 3 hits while recording 5 strikeouts.
    On the offensive side, Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard, Delmon Young and Cliff Lee each notched two hits.  Young hit his second home run in as many days and appears to be finally heating up.  One last note, Cliff Lee is hitting .316 so that's cool, at least someone wants to hit for average, even if he is a pitcher.
    In a sign that we have all done something to anger the baseball gods, the Phillies have an off day today, so enjoy attempting to busy yourself watching some other sport or team.

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