Monday, April 15, 2013

Flyers Offense Peaks, Downs Montreal 7-3

       The Flyers, led by valiant efforts from Hartnell, Giroux and Voracek, came into Montreal and asserted their dominance over the second best team in the East.  The 7 goals (3 by Hartnell, 1 by Simmonds, Gustafsson, Voracek and Giroux) are more than Philadelphia has scored in their last 5 games combined.
       This was essentially a meaningless game, but there were still many entertaining points to watch.  Foster really stepped up and made some great defensive plays and stuck up for Kent Huskins after he got elbowed by Ryan White.  Foster definitely bloodied his nose before going to the penalty box.
       P.K. Subban was up to his normal classless antics, instigating almost every time he had a chance.  I swear there's never been a game where I've said afterward, "That P.K. Subban seems like a real good guy.
       Canadiens goalie, Carey Price, turned in another worthless effort tonight, getting pulled early.  I really like Price as a player, so I hope he picks it up going into the playoffs.  The Flyers seem to have the Canadiens' number, but they are still a team that could potentially challenge the Penguins in the playoffs.  They just need to have as few games like this as possible.
       The Flyers play the Rangers tomorrow night back home at the Well.  If the Flyers should happen to lose, it will only take one more loss to officially knock them out of playoff contention.  Now I would never cheer for the Flyers to lose, but uh, maybe it's time we start thinking about the draft and how good Seth Jones would look in orange and black.
       On a more solemn note, all of the Broad Street Beat's best wishes go out to everyone in Boston and those affected by the events at the Boston Marathon today.  Truly a senseless act, but if you ever needed proof that America is the strongest country in the world, look at how many people were running into the chaos to help, knowing full well there could have been more blasts.  The real story from today should be the bravery and heroism of the police, firefighters and civilians in Boston.

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