Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Comparing Each Phillies Player to an Animal

    With a day off already after only one game in the 2013 season, we will take this time and the boredom it has provided to analyze the Phillies players.  No we will not be analyzing the players in a traditional way using statistics, rather we will be comparing each to a different animal, so here we go:

Ben Revere: Cheetah- Revere is quick like a cheetah, with age may come greater wisdom and power and thus he should be feared.
Jimmy Rollins: Aging Family Dog- Rollins is like an aging family dog, he can't do nearly as many tricks as he used to be able too, but he's a part of the family so you can't get rid of him.
Chase Utley: Hawk- Utley is quite similar to a hawk, always stalking his prey just waiting for an opportune time to strike.  Make one mistake in his presence and you're done for.
Ryan Howard: Lion- Strong and powerful, Howard like the lion is essential to lead the pride, without him hunting(hitting) to his capabilities the pride is lost.
Dom Brown: Lion Cub- Brown is similar to a lion cub, young and growing with expanding power.  If his power continues to develop he could one day find himself the leader of the pride.
Michael Young: Turtle- Young is much like a turtle, he doesn't move so well, but he's wise beyond his years and is good to have around.
John Mayberry Jr.: Giraffe- Much like the giraffe, Mayberry Jr. is extremely tall, and does some cool stuff, but mostly just stands there eating leaves.
Carlos Ruiz: Bear- Like a bear, Ruiz looks cuddly, but get too close(with a pitch) and he will cause some real damage.
Delmon Young: Sloth- This is pretty self explanatory, Young is quite lazy and can't move very quickly in the field.
Cole Hamels: Alligator- Fun to watch, quick and powerful, the alligator resembles Hamels.  Get too close and you will get bit.
Roy Halladay: Dolphin- Intelligent and poised, Halladay is much like the Dolphin, every move is calculated and he is well capable of taking down a shark.
Cliff Lee: Anaconda- Much like an anaconda, you do not want to let Lee get a grip on you or he will quickly squeeze the life out of you.
Kyle Kendrick: Hamster- Kendrick much like a pet hamster was cool when you first got him, but quickly got old.  He does decent work sometimes, but mostly just takes up space.
John Lannan: Polar Bear at the Zoo- Lannan much like a polar bear at the zoo, mostly sits around doing little to entertain, odds are you'll spend 2 hours waiting for him to do something cool like dive in the water, and every so often he just may.
Laynce Nix: House Cat- Nix is like a lazy house cat.  He can't do much and you don't expect much out of him, but you feel too bad to put him up for adoption (waive him).
Freddy Galvis: Gazelle- Galvis is much like the gazelle, graceful as it moves and quick, covering any and all ground, or in his case infield positions.  
Kevin Frandsen & Erik Kratz: Parrots- Frandsen & Kratz are similar to a couple of parrots, you can teach them a few things and they'll be able to repeat, but they'll never fully catch on.
Mike Adams: Scorpion- Adams, much like the scorpion, quietly goes about his business, but get in his way and you're sure to get stung.
Jonathan Papelbon: Howler Monkey- Much like a howler monkey, Papelbon makes a lot of noise and is fun to watch, but each time you see him you just hope he doesn't throw poop.
Antonio Bastardo: Bee- Like a bee, Bastardo is tiny yet can hurt you badly when he stings.
The Rest of the Bullpen: Goldfish- the remainder of the bullpen is similar to a tank of goldfish, they don't really do anything special, they are just there so you can occasionally give them a look.

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