Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sestitwo: Lightning Strikes Twice

       Hope I didn't overdo the puns in the title of this post.  It's good to be back.  As I'm sure none of you know, I was not allowed to reference the Flyers on social media during the past few months that I was an intern with the organization.  Since the season started and my internship ended at almost the exact same time, I guess I'm free to get back to the BSB.
       Last night was an interesting game to say the least.  This might be the game that gets the ship righted for the orange and black.  The Lightning are a tough team, loaded with talent, so my hopes weren't too high going into this game, but three things happened that made last night the game of the year so far.
       Bryz was absolutely on last night.  He made the saves that you would expect a $51 million goalie to make.  The Lightning are averaging almost 5 goals per game, but last night Bryz shut them down with 21 saves and a .955 save percentage.  All things considered, Bryz is looking much better than last season.  Here's hoping he keeps it up.
       The fight that Zac Rinaldo had against B.J. Crombeen is also worth a mention.  I love a good fight that a Flyer absolutely dominates and this was exactly that.  Some say Rinaldo violated an unwritten code by punching Crombeen while he was down, but he was actually mic'd last night and you can hear the referee absolve him of any guilt by listening to this
       While Rinaldo is known more for fighting than actually contributing to the offense, the same could have been said for Tom Sestito...until last night.  If you had asked me if I thought I'd be cheering for Tito Burrito to notch a hat trick last night I would have called you crazy.  The man has 4 goals over his 32 career games, 2 of which came last night.  Before last night his last career goal was in 2010 when he played for Columbus.  Last night though, he looked unstoppable.  The kid single-handedly won the game for the Flyers.  So at least for the next day, left is right, up is down and Zac Rinaldo is killing it out on the ice.  If there's any team that he should be able to replicate this against it's the Florida Panthers, and as luck would have it they come to Philadelphia tomorrow to try and avenge their 7-1 beating they got last time.  Let's see if tomorrow's game can live up to last night's.

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