Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cole & Heidi Hamels Adopt Ethiopian Child

             Just over a month ago reports emerged that Cole Hamels and his wife Heidi had adopted an Ethiopian child.  Tonight Reeve Hamels will make her first television appearance in an interview televised on ABC with Cole and Heidi.
I would like to congratulate the Hamels family on it's newest addition (the couple's third child), as well as commend them for giving a child from Ethiopia a chance at a better life by adopting.  Cole and Heidi continue to do things to help improve the lives of others with the help of The Hamels Foundation.  The foundation takes steps to help better the lives of children both in the United States and Africa by providing better education opportunities.  A tip of the cap to the Hamels family and keep up the good work both on and off the field.  Go Phils!

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