Thursday, February 14, 2013

'Machine Gun' McGinn

       Here are just some notes here on a few players since I haven't been writing at a vigorous pace as of late.  It was great to see the Flyers beat the Jets two nights ago, since as everyone knows I was against giving Winnipeg back the Jets since the beginning.  Really, do you honestly think any of their players can be happy having to live in Winnipeg most of the year?  Aside from the victory itself, one player really stole the show in my eyes and that was rookie Tye McGinn.  I can't say enough positive things about this guy.  He was so close last game to notching a Gordy Howe hat trick (1 goal, 1 assist, 1 fight).  The goal came on a redirect and was impressive, but not nearly as impressive of the fight.  There is no way you couldn't give McGinn the win in that fight.  McGinn took down eight-year veteran Mark Stuart, a player who is also known for fighting quite a bit.  McGinn looks completely at home on the ice, fits in well with the system, and if you didn't know any better you'd swear he was not a rookie.
       Hopefully McGinn can speed up his progress a tad though, to make up for Claude Giroux's slumping numbers.  After 14 games this season he only has 3 goals and 5 assists, which, for our captain, is too low.  Perhaps Giroux used all his gas up last season.  Maybe the added pressure of having the C on his uniform is taking it's toll.  Maybe he doesn't have as many other pieces as last year, like JVR and Jagr, or perhaps cutting his hair took away most of his power in some sort of weird Samson-like situation.  All of those are valid excuses, but Giroux is a top-10 player in the entire league and needs to step up and lead this team back to the top of the Atlantic Division.  If anyone is capable of it I know he is.  As a side note, I also need him to pick it up being that he was my first-round selection in fantasy hockey this year.  If you aren't gonna lead the Flyers to a Stanley Cup, at least help out Honey Nut Chelios, Claude!

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