Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2013 Phillies Projected Opening Day Lineup vs. My Suggested Lineup (Assuming Everyone's Healthy)

Projected:                                                                                           Suggested:
1. Rollins                                                                                             1. Revere
2. M. Young                                                                                        2. M. Young
3. Utley                                                                                                3. Utley

4. Howard                                                                                            4. Howard
5. D. Young                                                                                         5. Rollins
6. Brown/Mayberry                                                                             6. D. Young
7. Revere                                                                                              7. Brown/Mayberry
8. Kratz                                                                                                 8. Kratz
9. Hamels                                                                                              9. Hamels

         Let's face it despite his decline in production since his MVP season Charlie Manuel refuses to move Rollins from the lead off spot. It's time for a change with the addition of Ben Revere. Revere hit .294 last season compared to Rollins' .250 and also had a slightly better OBP. Unlike Rollins you don't have to worry about Revere swinging for the fences and popping up instead (he has 0 career HR). Revere accepts the role of a lead off hitter by putting the ball on the ground and letting his legs do the work, so with his addition it's time for Rollins to move to 5th in the order where he can try swinging for more power. The 2nd spot in the order belongs to Michael Young. Despite his down year last year he still hit .277 and is a .301 career hitter, and should fit in this spot nicely. The 3rd and 4th spot in the order will be where health is a major question. Hoping for the best and having Utley and Howard healthy, they remain in the spots they've held in the past. Look for increased power and better overall numbers if both are at full-strength. Reports say Utley looks good so far and with added time since the Achilles surgery Howard should be more mobile and powerful after his off-season to heal. Rollins will hold down the 5th spot in order to add a little speed to the lineup between Howard and the 6th hitter, Delmon Young. Delmon Young hit only .267 last season but had a monstrous post-season. If he's healthy by the start of the season, he should slide into the 6th spot nicely and hopefully put up numbers closer to his post-season performance. In the 7th spot the best option to start may be to have Mayberry and Brown platoon and if one of them heats up, or Darin Ruf lights up Triple-A like he did Double-A, go with the hot hand. The ideal situation would be seeing Brown finally blossom into the player the Phillies had thought he would be when they refused to trade him the past few seasons. Unfortunately due to Carlos Ruiz's 25 game suspension the 8th spot will likely belong to Eric Kratz on Opening Day unless Tommy Joseph or Sebastian Valle proves ready in spring training. The final spot in the order on Opening Day should belong to Cole Hamels. After Roy Halladay's disappointing 2012, Hamels has earned the Opening Day nod. And there we have it, my suggested lineup although in reality I don't see Charlie moving Rollins out of the lead off spot, but who know's. Go Phils!

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