Saturday, March 16, 2013

Brown Delivers, Phillies Win

               The Phillies topped the Yankees 7-0 in this afternoons contest at Steinbrenner Field.  The pitching and offense were both running smoothly today as the Phillies easily defeated their opponent. Raul Valdes got the start for the Phillies, as Cole Hamels remained in Clearwater to pitch in a minor league intrasquad game.
 Valdes threw three great innings, allowing 3 hits, with no runs, while striking out one.  Mike Adams was next on the mound and threw one perfect inning while striking out 1.  Adams, who the Phillies signed this off-season, has looked like he is fully recovered from last years injury, as he has yet to allow a run in Grapefruit League play.  Chad Durbin pitched the next three innings, allowing 2 hits, while walking 1, and striking out 1.  Mike Stutes took the mound after Durbin, and tossed one scoreless inning while allowing 1 hit and striking out 2.  Jake Diekman came on for the Phillies in the 9th and allowed 1 hit and 2 walks to load the bases, before he finished out the inning unscathed.  The Phillies bullpen strung together another solid spring outing, while their hitting also looked good on the day.
                 Dom Brown got the Phillies on the board with a 3 run home run in the top of the 4th inning to give the Phillies a 3-0 led.  It was Brown's fourth home run of the spring, and he went 1 for 3 on the day.  Brown looks ready to step into a starting role this season, as he is hitting .365 in Grapefruit League play.  Jermaine Mitchell had a 2 for 4 day, with a double and a triple.  Yuniesky Betancourt continued to make his case for a reserve infielder role, as he went 3 for 4 with a double, and is hitting .412 this spring.  Steve Lerud had a 1 for 3 day while smashing a 2 run home run.  Finally, Freddy Galvis continued to look strong at the plate after replacing Michael Young at third base.  Galvis went 1 for 1 and laced a double, his sixth of the spring.  Overall, it was a successful day for the Phillies as they received a complete day all around.  The Phillies will be back in action tomorrow against the Baltimore Orioles.

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